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Dec 16, 2007

Tribes Gather - Chapter Two

Campaign Commander Ouyina Ruul was not a happy Ruulin. The battle on the Third Planet had not gone as he had expected. The Ruulins had lost more hydroldiers than the battledrone losses to the Yitakus. If they attacked now, with the Ruulin force severely depleted, then even this outpost would be lost and mighty tough to recover.

The Ruulins were native to the Polna galaxy, which on the average had much more gravity in it than the Milky Way. The average Ruulin was short and stocky with feet resembling concrete bricks in both strength and shape. They had droopy ears and arms that fell to a little below their knees. But they wore their backs erect and only the shoulders gave a slight hint of a hunch.

It was easy for an alien being to underestimate their intelligence, but the Ruulins possessed mental capabilities far superior than the fastest computers of many species. They had cultivated their mental skills over the generations to an extent that verbal communication was no longer necessary, and so when Ouyina now spoke, he actually thought.

Where is it that our hydroldiers fail in front of the battledrones?

Assistant General Kiyana Ruul was a specimen of Ruulin beauty. She was taller than the average height and her legs somehow were much slender. She wore her hair short and had full lips that would have put a ripe mango to shame. When she thought, most Ruulins would swear that her breasts swayed to a faint melody of an unknown source.

I have thought with the best of our ruulins to work on that Ouy. We had assumed that under the lower gravity of the Third Planet, and with its abundance of both oxygina and the oxigina-hydrogina compound, our hydroldiers would only flourish. But something was interfering in their processes, something we hadn’t accounted for. The battledrones were aided by something in the nature of that planet.

Such lapses cannot be taken lightly Kiya. Of the Ruulins that interacted with Kiyana on a daily basis, only Ouyina was able to resist the lull of her beauty. Of all the Ruulins that Kiyana interacted with, only Ouyina attracted her enough to stimulate her fantasies. I have already told you how our superiors seem to attach great importance to the Third Planet. That we have lost it will not go down well. And I am certain that we will be asked to reclaim it.

I am aware of this Ouy. And even if our superiors do not say so, we will fight to reclaim it. Already our scientists are working on fixing the hydroldiers. Once we figure out and fix what it is about the planet that hampers them, the battledrones and their owners stand no chance.

That is pleasing Kiya. Now, moving on, what can you tell me about the life form we detected a little while ago on the surface?

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