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Dec 31, 2007

Tribes Gather - Chapter Eight

This is grave news, Kiyana. Not because of the treachery involved, but because we do not know whether it is backed by the Yitaku Elders or not.

It also raises another question, Ouy. How did they find out about our hydroldiers’ cyberlysis’ affinity for uramine?

The only explanation that fits is that one of more of the hydroldiers was somehow smuggled into the enemy camp. Only on detailed examination could they have discovered this.

The two Ruulins were located in the Campaign Commands Headquarters on the Ruulin outpost. It was situated on the northern pole of the planet, where gravity was least. This allowed for a quicker launch of ships in case of emergencies, with lesser burden on their propulsion systems. Inside Ouyina’s operations cubicle were plastered various maps of the solar system and other strategically important sections of space.

Ouyina pointed a spot on the map that showed hostile areas between the almost intangible borders of the Polna and Milky Way galaxies. We were first attacked when we were crossing this area here, and it had seemed then like a just another hostile exchange. But I wonder now…

There was a slight pause while Kiyana waited for Ouyina to continue. He traced his finger from that spot along the path his fleet had followed to reach the solar system. Every now and then we would pause and circle an area on the path.

These are the areas where we have been attacked, Kiyana observed.

Yes; do you not notice something, Kiya?

Kiyana squinted as the circled areas expanded on the map to show more detail. Each time we were attacked it was when there was a planet near enough to send the hydroldiers and battledrones, is that what you observe, Ouy?

I had assumed that they were sticking to the treaty of using machines rather than valuable lives, but could it be that they were creating opportunities to inspect and observe our hydroldiers?

You are working on the assumption, Ouy, that it is the Yitaku Elders that are behind all this?

And the more I think about it, Kiya, the more I feel that it must be them behind it. As a society they are sly and treacherous, but as individuals do any have the courage to act against the commands of their Elders?

But all we know about is their society. We do not know of the individual psychologies among them. It may be so that many Yitakus wish for a more direct action, there are many Ruulins who feel so too, as you very well know.

But then how would you explain the strategic coincidences in the places we were attacked, Kiya?

Kiyana was silent in thought for a while. Ruulin psychology did not permit much privacy. If a Ruulin engaged a thought in its mind, it would be transmitted inevitably to those around it. But such was their technology that they had learnt to over-ride this clause of nature. High ranking governors, officers, commanders, and even soldiers were implanted with a neuro-shield that could be activated whenever they wanted. It protected the transmittance of their thoughts effectively. However they were mostly used not to hide one's thoughts, rather save others the trouble of picking up every random or incoherent working of the mind.

I agree with you, Ouy, that the Yitakus are not so noble that they would actually honour the treaty, but can it not be that they wanted to test and improve their own battledrones?

I admit such a possibility, yet I cannot shake the feeling that they were keen to study our hydroldiers too.

But that is only natural, Ouy. They would want to know about our hydroldiers as much as we would about their battledrones. That fact that this is their galaxy gave them the upper hand in deciding where to hold these exchanges.

It was Ouyina’s turn to be silent. Since the last time it was mentioned, he could not get the Hol incident out of his mind. The gruesome images refused to leave his mind and it distracted him much to his irritation and discomfort.

Something just occurred to me, Kiya. But it would not have been possible had you not insisted on refraining from making assumptions just now.

In response she merely raised her eyebrows.

Only a few of our hydroldiers have been coated. Surely, if it was the Yitaku Elders behind this, they would have done so to all the hydroldiers, gaining instant victory.

Kiyana smiled admiringly, I hadn’t thought of that, Ouy, but you are right! Then this means that it has to be rebel elements, doesn’t it?

It pushes us in that direction, yes, but is it not also possible that the Elders deliberately coated only a few, so as to keep suspicion off their cloaks, yet enable the battledrones to gain an upper hand?

We will go in endless circles this way, Ouy, and nothing of substance will emerge. I suggest we focus now on ridding the hydroldiers of this vulnerability, and that will not be an easy task for we have to change or at least modify their primary process- cyberlysis.

Sometimes I wonder who really is the Commander, you, or me! Ouyina remarked lightly, unable to suppress a small chuckle

It is unquestionably you, Ouy, and I am but an assistant to ensure your thoughts remain clear and you remain focused, she replied with a grin on her face.

And you do a wonderful job of it, Kiyana. Now I need to contact the Superiors again, find out more on our mysterious friend from another species. Would you get the applicationists to work on cyberlysis?

It will be done, Ouy. I will report to you in six hours.

Thank you, Kiyana.

She bowed in the customary ritual to be performed when taking the leave of a Commander, and he acknowledged it with a bow of his own (though not as low).

When alone again, he turned on his polymachine to find two messages from the Superiors. The first was the usual expression of sympathies at the lost of valuable machinery and resources. Ouyina read a little of it and deleted it with something between a smirk and a grimace. The next message was much more interesting, and he sat down to read it properly.

The first slide was an image of a group of bipeds. To Ouyina, they looked like mixture of Ruulin and Yitaku. They had long hair and flowing black beards and mustaches. All of them were wearing long cloaks that were pulled around them. Behind them he could see tall surface elevations which were covered in snow. The ground beneath their feet was both muddy and icy. They wore a grim expression on their faces but Ouyina’s attention was drawn to a smaller figure by the side. He guessed it was not adult like the others. Only this figure was grinning from cheek to cheek. He was undesirably reminded of the Ruulin young ones on Hol.

He read the data scrolling down on the left panel of his screen:

[Communication dated 34/2/1347]

[Probes of Historical Link with Ancient Species]
[Target: 7th planet in Traigo Star System]
[Subject Name Native: Manushya]
[Subject Name Assigned: none]
[First reports received dated 76/4/123]
[Species planet of origin 3rd planet in star system]
[Planet native name: Prithvi]
[Species era of existence before counted time]
[Moderately intelligent;
aggressively ambitious;
amorally manipulative;
capable when in high numbers;]
[Species genetic code precursory to Ruulin and Yitaku genetic code]
[Possible predecessors]
[To probe cause of disappearance and cause of resurgence]
[To probe species’ interest in Ruulin-Yitaku conflict]

Ouyina read with increasing interest. The information then indicated to him to focus on the grinning child in the image.

[Possibly important member of species]
[Now assumed adult]
[Ruler(?) of species]
[Ruler-in-waiting(?) of species]
[Only detected operating alone]
[Last spotted: Commander Ouyina Ruul Team;
3rd Planet/Prithvi;
Disappearance with Yitaku battledrones;]


Ouyina recognized a firm and definite order when he saw one. This was an order that superseded his current mission (of protecting and expanding the outpost he currently held).

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