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Dec 16, 2007

Tribes Gather - Chapter One

On a moonlit night, on the battlefield of the last greatest war on the planet, a solitary figure cautiously approached the still burning remains of what appeared to be a battledrone. The figure was draped in a cloak made of fine weave procured from the fibre fields of Fabrilla, a planet on the eastern arm of the galaxy. It was taller than most beings you would find on this war-torn planet, and walked with a gait that indicated it was as alien on this world as the strewn semi-metallic carcasses of battledrones and hydroldiers.

The last greatest war on this planet was fought between the galaxy’s greatest arch-rivals- the Ruulins and the Yitakus. They had descended over the long millennia from a single species- the Manushyas, who lived on this very planet, which they called Prithvi. In the course of their space-age evolutionary phase the Manushyas got split among two galaxies that were separated for generations by a dark matter barrier that had emerged out of nowhere. Over time they forgot about the other, and followed their own evolutionary paths. The Ruulins and Yitakus of today did not remotely resemble their ancestors; nor each other.

The solitary figure cautiously approached the battledrone holding its head in a way that would make it seem that it was sniffing for something, and perhaps it was. A soft hissing noise was emanating from the dead machine and if the figure was a Manushya of old, it would have thought there was a snake nearby. How and why it had singled out this battledrone is a mystery, for nothing differentiated it from the others lying around. After some more of its ‘sniffing’, the figure dropped its caution and went over to examine the battledrone.

From somewhere within its cloak it pulled out a ginantium life sensor and held it up to the battledrone, roving it about the burning body. At one point the sensor light up and emitted a light beep. The figure bent over to examine that spot. Another gadget emerged from it cloak, this one being of a technology known only to its kind. After a few minutes of close observation and examination, the figure stood up and held the gadget to the sky, as if summoning something; or someone.

A short while later a single beam of light fell from the heavens illuminating the battledrone of interest. A second after that the battledrone disappeared. In another second the figure was gone too, and the planet was once again lifeless.

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