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Dec 16, 2007

Tribes Gather - Chapter Three

On another planet, one circled by thirty satellites (a few of them Yitaku-made), Pilot Jnufin Tyubna was slowly guiding his ship onto a landing strip. A light silico-carbic drizzle was falling outside, and inside his mind was reeling with the consequences of what he knew. The shaft behind him slid open, and his ship commander walked in with an unreadable expression on his face.

Commander Hgul Uykin was what you would call a typical Yitaku- almost seven feet tall with broad shoulders and a ripped built. His long jet black hair fell behind his neck as if he had commanded each strand into discipline. Crystal green eyes and a pointed nose that made for Yitakuans’ enhanced sense of smell. He took the seat next to Jnufin and began toying with the multidimensional Rubik’s cube that was the crew’s delight.

“Well the situation does seem to be under control doesn’t it?”

“Yes indeed Commander. Those damn hydroldiers sure gave us a hard time though. I wonder what the fuck they were made of.”

“Fucking Ruulinian technology and fucking Ruulins. Why doesn’t Elder Ikyutha just blast them off the damn galaxy? Fuck peace treaties and fuck ethical warfare!”

“You got the entire crew behind you on that one Commander. It’s not fun watching our battledrones being torn to pieces by those hydrofucks. Neither is it any consolation that they were saved by some defects in the hydroldiers themselves.”

“Yes and remind me to ask our technicians for some upgrades on the drones. I was talking to Designer Dvyuel and he told me that something in the hydroldiers didn’t really like the oxigina atmosphere. If we could get our battledrones equipped with some oxigina pods or maybe oxigina pressurised bullets that could get the fucking job done eh?”

“It’s definitely worth a try Commander. But it would be so much easier if we could attack their main ship directly. I’d like to see Ruulinian technology try itself against this baby we got here.”

“If only we could Jnufin, if only we could.”

Jnufin directed the ship onto its standing bay. We waited for the signal and then released the optotrok driven exit shafts. He waited for Commander Uykin to leave first, and then followed.

Once out of the hanger, he made his way through the tunnels of Itharca, the planet wherefrom the Yitukans were directing their attacks, in the personal transport issued to him. The Commander had one thing right; it would be simpler if the Ruulins were just blasted off the galaxy. But what he did not know was that there were some people already working towards that. And Jnufin Tyubna was one of them.

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