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Dec 31, 2007

Tribes Gather - Chapter Nine

He waited till he couldn’t wait anymore, then blurted out, “Well get on with it then!”

Commander Hgul’s grin did not subside, but he replied through it, “How was your history in educational, Semi-Elder Yukath?”

Yukath frowned, “of what concern is that, Hgul?”

“Oh of great concern, Semi-Elder,” Hgul’s tone was becoming more and more insolent, something that Yukath did not miss. “Were you taught esoteric history?”

Through the screen Hgul saw Yukath lift his chin higher, “I am a Semi-Elder, Hgul. It is in the requirements of my position that I learn esoteric history.”

The grin, if it was possible, spread even more. “Then tell me, Semi-Elder, what do you know of the Manushyas?”

An unreadable expression passed over Yukath’s face for a split second, to be replaced by one that could have been read as shock. “No, Hgul! You must tell me how and what you know of the Manushyas!”

Hgul leaned back on his bed, and put his arms around his head, scratching it idly, “I have my sources, Yukath. There are many in your informatorium that owe me one or two, and I recently called upon some favours.”

“You put your life in danger you foolish yitak! If the Elders were to know they would call for your head instantly!”

“Yes, but who would let the Elders know? Would you tell them Yukath? And risk your own life as well?”

Yukath fell silent.

“Just as I thought,” Hgul continued, “now fuck this catch-and-dodge Yukath, and tell me what you know of the Manushyas.”

Yukath shook his face sideways, to decline, “No, Hgul, I will not play catch-and-dodge with you, but it is you nevertheless who must disclose what he knows first.”

Hgul chuckled insolently, “Ever the cautious one eh, Yukath? Nevermind, I will tell you first, listen carefully.” He sat up straight, leaning closer to the screen. Yukath’s eyes lit up eagerly.

“After our successful operations on the 3rd planet, while we were still deciding what to do with the broken and partially-broken battledrones, I decided to survey for myself the extent of damage-”
Yukath interrupted him with a hint of anger, “is this something you haven’t included in your official report, Hgul?”

“Fuck that, Yukath. What I’m about to tell you is for you and me to know, not the Elders, especially Elder Ikyutha.”

That seemed to satisfy Yukath. “Continue,” he said.

“So I jumped into my personal carrier and detached from the main ship, without informing my second-in-command, another reason why I cannot include this in the report. Quite a few of their hydroldiers were still showing bouts of movement, and I spotted one try to dismantle a battledrone even when its own limbs had been dismembered. That gave me a chill and I decided to turn my stealth up, which turned out to be a fucking good decision!”

Hgul paused so as to see if Yukath was sufficiently absorbed. He got no reaction, and continued. “On the return journey I decided to visit the place of a smaller battle, where only a few of our battledrones had been lost to a horde of hidden hydroldiers. And do you know, Semi-Elder Yukath, what I saw there?”

If Hgul could see all of Yukath, he would have sworn that till now the latter’s leg were crossed, and he had just uncrossed them.

“Why don’t you tell me, Hgul?”

“A single figure, biped, was inspecting a battledrone!”

Yukath sat up straight, “No!”

“Yes! The only bipeds that were supposed to be on that planet were hydroldiers, yet this figure was not! My stealth, as I mentioned, was thankfully on, so it did not detect me.”

“What was the figure like, Hgul. Tell me more!”

“Actually, Yukath, it’s your turn now. You tell me what you know of the Manushyas, and we’ll decide if I had just seen one.”

Yukath sighed, and he leaned back this time, “You call me the cautious one, Hgul?”

Hgul replied with another grin.

“The Manushyas are an ancient species, they were possibly the first space-faring species in this galaxy, who lived many a millennia ago. The third planet that you conducted the battle on was their native planet, Hgul, and they called it Prithvi according to our records. Our own species, and even the damned Ruulins, are descended from this master species, albeit with many generations of evolution between us. Hugely factional, and notoriously war-like, they were divided into numerous political units that constantly fought among themselves.”

“Those are the common traits of a pre-space-faring civilization.” Stated Hgul simply.

“As I am well aware, Hgul. But unlike other species, including ours, they achieved unity AFTER they had spread to other planets.”

“Surely that is a myth, Yukath. That is not possible.”

“It is not possible because you have not known any species that has done so, but now you do.”

“An anomaly then, and you’re saying that we descended from them?”

“Not I, our esoteric history does.”

“So where have they been?”

“That is what shocks me about what you say, Hgul. The Manushyas have been thought to be long extinct. Occasional reports reach us about survivor groups and a united empire but they are dismissed as romantic myths.”

“Well, I’m at a loss, Yukath. I can show you the visuals and you can decide for yourself if it was a Manushya I saw, but if it wasn’t then we have to figure out what it was.”

“No it’s very possible that it was indeed a Manushya, Hgul. I, for one, have never entirely dismissed the occasional reports as myths. You asked I have been taught esoteric history, but I tell you that is what I myself taught in my pre-Elder days. I have studied more into this matter than most do, and would not be surprised if the Manushyas are still around.”

“Assuming that they are?”

“Then we have a possible crisis on our hands. To me, any third party that involves itself in this Yitaku-Ruulin conflict would only do so for suspicious gains.”

Hgul chuckled, “and you are one to be readily suspicious.”

“Not readily, Hgul, but suitably. I do not think that the Manushyas, whose ancient and arcane technology we are only unaware of, would seek to take sides in this battle. They are at best, neutral, and at worst, an enemy perhaps more dangerous than even the Ruulins.”

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