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Jun 24, 2008

Reflectiverse Saga - Interlude 2


“Is it certain?”

“Definitely so.”

“Can we not warn them of the consequences?”

“And risk exposing ourselves? The Superiors will never allow that?”

“Can we not take such a decision ourselves?”

“And risk punishment? I am not so courageous, kin.”

“So we make convert them into sacrificial lambs?”

“What’s it to you? Or have you begun to love them?”

“Love? No. But I am concerned, kin. They are a promising species, and there are good leaders among them.”

“WE are a promising species, kin. And there are good leaders among US. Or do you forget your genes?”

“Please, do not accuse me of what you know is not true. But I am worried about the ethical fallout of our actions.”

“It is not your place to worry about that. We have Superiors for such philosophizing. You are a soldier, and your task is cut out. Do you forget what They did to us, kin? Do you forget the screams of innocents of our kind? The brutality and mindless hostility they unleashed upon us?”

“It is not something I can forget, none of us can. But-“

“No buts, please. The time has come. We have waited for this moment for years now, so do not grow coward-wings at this moment. You are not indispensable you know, no matter how special you are.”

“I resent your tone, kin. I am not indispensable, but you are not the one to ‘dispense’ with me either. Do not forget your place to my place.”

“Accepted, but you do not forget your purpose. Will you fulfill it or not?”


“Yes. I will fulfill it.”

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