only Psychonauts need enter...

Jun 22, 2008

Reflectiverse Saga - Interlude 1


Back on his aerial, on his way back to Kadorra, Ananuk’s mind was in a daze. He had been on a brainwave back there with the Emperor, and half the things he said he had never thought of before. But now, in the familiar and comfortable surroundings of his aerial, he realized that much of what he said was true, and it made sense. The system he had proposed was one that was likely to keep all sides happy; and it would help strike a balance between the expanding human groups.

“Call up the Yaktukans,” he said to his pilot, “ask for permission to enter their territory. I want to go there before we go to Kadorra.”

“Yes, sir,” his pilot obeyed, after a few moments of silence he replied, “permission has been granted, sir. I am making the necessary route adjustments.”

His mind now reeling with what was quickly becoming an elaborate plan in his head, Ananuk had no time to view out his window. He instead worked on his polypod, furiously putting together the database he was to relay to the Emperor. It couldn’t be complete without inputs from Rabik, and he hoped that the latter would see the merit in Ananuk’s plan. He sent in a quick message to Rabik, who was waiting for him at the Air Fields when he landed. They took the ground transports to Rabik’s residence, where another Yaktukan was waiting for them- Admiyogi Faolvay.

“Welcome back, Ananuk,” Faolvay began, “I trust your swift return means some success?”

“It does indeed, Faolvay. But we must act quickly; it will not be long before the Emperor thinks about all that I have told him, and decide that he can use force to wrest the technology from us.”

Rabik’s eyebrows shot up, “when he knows that he will have it anyhow?”

“We cannot put it past him, Rabik, and there is much that we need to arrange before we hand this over.”

“I gather you have a plan in mind, Ananuk,” said Faolvay.

“I do indeed, Faolvay. And we need to get onto it fast.”

Faolvay made an allowing gesture, “then tell us what to do, Ananuk.”

Ananuk handed over a visodisk to Rabik, “this holds the database on the discovery, Rabik. I need you to you check it and make any necessary additions. Withhold nothing; there is nothing that we need to hide from the Emperor.”

Rabik took the visodisk and departed to his office-cabin. When he was gone, Ananuk turned to Faolvay.

“The last time Rabik and I spoke, Faolvay, I mentioned to him that the use of this technology will have repercussions on the Empire.”

Faolvay nodded, “I realized this when our scientists first approached this discovery.”

“What’s more, Faolvay is that the Emperor realizes this too. He thought of it almost right after I explained the discovery to him.”

“This would explain your eagerness in getting down to business just now.”

Ananuk nodded, “yes. Now when he mentioned this to me I had a sudden insight into the whole issue, and without thinking twice about anything I suggested to him a detailed plan. The more I think about this plan now, the more I feel that it would work to the benefit of all; including Yaktuki and Kadorra.”

“Then I would be interested in hearing more about it, Ananuk.”

“It is most likely that as we colonize planets the hold of the Emperor will grow weak. But without a central unifying force like the Empire the expansion will be hampered by numerous conflicts between the six regions. We can count Ingika and Ditana to be against us on all counts, and Ahurun and Vaktuki will make their allegiances as dictated by self-interests.”

“I agree so far, friend Ananuk.”

“But if we let the Emperor regulate the use of the Reflectiverse, if we let each journey go through his permission, we ensure that no region rebels against him after expansion and his over-hand will ensure any infighting.”

“I see how that would work.”

“As the expansion continues, the Empire itself will be inevitably confined on Thea, whereas the component regions will spread out to their satisfaction. A weak, but existent Empire on Thea will serve to ensure peaceful or at least conflict-less expansion of humanity.”

“What did the Emperor think of all this, Ananuk?”

“Who knows what really went on in his mind, but he admitted approval.”

“And what happens if the technology falls into the wrong hands? Or is cut off to a select region?”

Ananuk let that question sink in. “That’s where you come in, Faolvay. I want Kadorra to secretly retain the technological ability for this discovery.”


“Not deception, mere precaution. I am not saying that we will surreptitiously use the technology to our benefit; Kadorra has its sense of morals too, Faolvay. We will go through the Imperial channel like the rest of the regions. But by having a backup capability we will provide a safety net if the technology were to be misused or withheld.”

“When did you manage to think up all this, Ananuk?”

Ananuk shrugged helplessly, “it came to me, Faolvay; if you can believe that. But look, regardless of what Yaktuki in general feels, I know that Rabik in his heart is confident this technology will work; and to be honest, that is enough for me. In the right time, of course, it needs to be and it will be tested. But the time to prepare for a changed world has arrived, and I want to be ahead of others.”

“So you want us to in fact prepare two databases. One will faithfully go to the Emperor, while the other will remain with you.”

“That is exactly what I want, Faolvay. But more than that, I also want your trust. I do not seek an upper hand from other regions, nor do I want Kadorra to develop as the most powerful. But I do think that a backup should remain in the hands of someone trustworthy; and I can think of no one more so than myself.”

“Valid enough, Ananuk; this will be done.”

And so Ananuk also set the course for humanity’s future.

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