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Jan 30, 2008

RE: The Life Factor

Yes this report was enthusiastically carried in Indian newspapers as well...but quite perplexingly, they all insisted on saying that the image is of a "naked woman!!"

i really do not see how one can deduce from these images that the seemingly hominid figure is that of a "naked woman"

bet i will save my judgment for now...the figure seems oddly out of place and if it really is a martian there where have these hominids been all along? and what is one of them doing sitting idly on a remote cliff? personally i do not think the image is that of a live does not seem so to me....

at the same time i am what can be described as agnostic when it comes to extraterrestrial life....i think there just might be a possibility that the miracle of life took place only on Earth....or maybe its not a miracle at all and is a really common event all across the universe...either way we cannot be sure till more conclusive proof...

in this context one should check out these links about the Drake's Equation and the Fermi's Paradox:

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