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Jan 24, 2008

The 'life' factor

Has the NASA spacecraft 'Spirit' done it?. Is this the answer to all those years of research and skepticism?

Does this bring in the 'life' factor OUT or INTO the equation?

Have you seen the previous footage of the 'Face on Mars' discovered by the Viking spacecraft in 1976?. I, being a firm believer in the possibility of life elsewhere in the Universe, wouldn't be too surprised if the 'Martians' had already inhabited mars for millions of years before us and had even developed decent technology.
Not super computers maybe but the basic engineering skills required to build monuments and civilizations.

Now the questions is... if there WAS life in Mars, what was it like?. Are they still around?. Lets wait and see. Science has its own way of surprising never know ;)

1 comment:

GS said...

Hey, iam not saying that what u feel is wrong but i think u should get ur facts right.The Face on Mars is actually a geographical formation that due to the effects of light and the shadows appears as a face of a human being.I completely agree with u that we can never be the last or the only life in the whole wide universe this idea is absolutly absurd.
On the other hand as u mentioned that there might have been life on mars, i feel(on a more lighter note)that they may have been dissapointed with what we have been doing to our own civilization.