only Psychonauts need enter...

Jan 30, 2008

RE: The Life Factor

Yes this report was enthusiastically carried in Indian newspapers as well...but quite perplexingly, they all insisted on saying that the image is of a "naked woman!!"

i really do not see how one can deduce from these images that the seemingly hominid figure is that of a "naked woman"

bet i will save my judgment for now...the figure seems oddly out of place and if it really is a martian there where have these hominids been all along? and what is one of them doing sitting idly on a remote cliff? personally i do not think the image is that of a live does not seem so to me....

at the same time i am what can be described as agnostic when it comes to extraterrestrial life....i think there just might be a possibility that the miracle of life took place only on Earth....or maybe its not a miracle at all and is a really common event all across the universe...either way we cannot be sure till more conclusive proof...

in this context one should check out these links about the Drake's Equation and the Fermi's Paradox:

Jan 24, 2008

The 'life' factor

Has the NASA spacecraft 'Spirit' done it?. Is this the answer to all those years of research and skepticism?

Does this bring in the 'life' factor OUT or INTO the equation?

Have you seen the previous footage of the 'Face on Mars' discovered by the Viking spacecraft in 1976?. I, being a firm believer in the possibility of life elsewhere in the Universe, wouldn't be too surprised if the 'Martians' had already inhabited mars for millions of years before us and had even developed decent technology.
Not super computers maybe but the basic engineering skills required to build monuments and civilizations.

Now the questions is... if there WAS life in Mars, what was it like?. Are they still around?. Lets wait and see. Science has its own way of surprising never know ;)

Jan 21, 2008

The British Model

on the eve of India's independence, Gandhi was asked by a proud British journalist whether he thought that India should follow the British model of industrial development...Gandhi's reply (a rare occasion where i agree with the man):

"it took Britain half the resources of this planet to achieve its prosperity. how many planets will India require for development?"

Jan 11, 2008

Shrimati Mamta Pandey

in the many final moments,
i only tried to make u laugh,
hoped that i could ease your pain,
i know now,
that u laughed all right,
but it was held within,
because you knew,
that u were to go,
free from the binds,
that life brings,
u were laughing at me,
were you not?
for freedom was to be yours,
and the sorrow-
all mine...

Shrimati Mamta Pandey - may you find the light...and never return...

Jan 7, 2008


this is how Evan Esar, the American humourist, defines an economist:

"An expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen."

Jan 5, 2008

Acidic Aryavart

You can hear some Acidic Nature and Scrolls on Aryavart (experimental/amateur psytrance) on the left panel...

will add more...